Welcome to our community! As we continue adjusting to our day-to-day lives, one of the most important factors in making these changes easier is access to food. Accessible food can help simplify life and provide healthier options. We invite those with a need make an appointment and come to Bountiful; allow us to make your life easier. If you have interest or capacity come help us make life easier for your neighbor.

Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the people providing services with the people who need them. Come connect with people in new and time-honored ways.


Gina 'waadluwaan hl gyaahldaang.nga gud ga.


Dóog̱a hadí x̱ʼisidéin áwé.


G̱anla xsa'wa'aygm di wil waap.


Lín aacxlchút'xw giná lx̱ała.


Magtulungan tayong lahat.

Working together for us all

Community Food Bank

Food justice is an important part of community justice. We accept donations from local businesses and community members and use them to ease hunger. Help us connect with donors and with people in need. 


 25 Jefferson Way, Suite 102

Ketchikan, AK 99901


Reservations needed for registration and/or food pick up

You can now register online for Bountiful, Here you can register online, make an appointment online and even shop within the inventory of Bountiful online.

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