From the old ANS Bylaws: 3. The officers shall be elected from members in good standing eligible to vote, except that the Critic may be any person selected by the Local Camp. 4. The duties of the local officers shall be prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order, except that the Critic shall be required to criticize favorably or unfavorably any person and in any manner for the good of the order, and the person criticized shall submit gracefully. So, the answer is – there is a camp critic in every ANS formed camp. The language does not exist in the ANB constitution and bylaws or in the new constitution. There are in each Camp 3 elected Camp Council people who shall have general supervision of affairs of the Camp between meeting (When officers are unavailable) and shall perform such duties as determined at a meeting of members of the camp. None of the Camp Councils acts shall conflict with orders of the Grand Camp or of the local Camp.

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