Spelt with a C or a K. Many variations of spelling over the years – Northern Tlingit, Southern Thlinget, and so forth. The Coogeinaa is a traditional emblem of royalty, respect, honor and leadership. The Coogeninaa was a gift from the Haines ANB and ANS Camp #5 at the 1929 Convention. It is placed over the right shoulder and hangs down to the left hip. The traditional men’s Coogeinaa is made of moose hide. Colors are red and gold. The Sisters is made of velvet and colors are White and Royal Blue. Each camp is to have an Andrew Hope Coogeinaa and a Mildred Sparks Coogeinaa. These special Coogeinaa are worn by the recipient for the year. It represents those who most closely represent the values and heart of the ANB or ANS.

During early years we carried arrows as weapons over our shoulders which we used for hunting. Later gun powder replaced this when gathering food for our clans. The word ‘Koo Gei Naa’ and the sash was formed and presented at the 1926 convention by the Klukwan Camp.

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