These are listed on the back of the membership card:

-Gained recognition of Native Rights as citizens

-Won the right of Natives to vote

-Integrated public schools in Alaska

-Extended Worker’s Compensation laws to cover everyone

-Included Natives in Aid-to-Dependent children

-Secured direct relief for elderly Natives

-Brought IRA Tribes to Alaska

-Brought hospitals for Natives to Alaska, which are now under US Indian Health Service

-Helped champion the first Natives to be elected to the Territorial Legislature

-Initiated the T&H Land Claims suit which paved the way for ANCSA and ANILCA

-Influenced the passage of Territorial Equal Rights Laws

-Instrumental in admitting Natives to the Pioneer Homes in Alaska

-Initiated passage of Alaska State EEO laws

-Instrumental in amending State School Districts EEO law to include Race, to promote hiring Native teachers

-Instrumental in passage of the Alaska Subsistence Law and the development of the regulations

-Pushed to get the Halibut Subsistence green cards for tribal members

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